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Laser Hair Removal

Glow Up

Our Laser Hair Removal Services

Have you spent your entire life trying to feel comfortable in your skin by shaving, tweezing, and waxing unwanted body and facial hair? There’s no need to suffer through that anymore when you can come into Bronze & Beauty Bliss for our comfortable, fast, and effective laser hair removal treatments.


We’ve got the equipment, the knowledge, and the experience to provide lasting and effective laser hair removal that will leave you amazed at how smooth and vibrant your skin is. With both a professional team and top-quality equipment, Bronze & Beauty Bliss is the best place to stop in for laser hair removal in Gresham.

About Our Laser Hair Removal

At Bronze & Beauty Bliss, we understand just how frustrating it can feel to have to deal with unwanted hair anywhere on your body. That’s why we provide laser hair removal wherever you need it, including nose, chin, neck, arms, legs, feet, hands, shoulders, back, abdomen, nipples, bikini, and Brazilian.


You can even bundle areas together and book multiple sessions to make our treatments even more affordable. Our team always works with the precision and care needed to ensure that you’re getting exactly what you need from our laser hair removal in Portland, Oregon. We’ll go over what your needs are and find the perfect package for you.


Your First Time

At Bronze & Beauty Bliss, we strive to make all of our clients as comfortable as possible during our treatments. During your first visit, we’ll be sure to discuss the laser hair removal procedure and answer any questions you might have. We’ll go over what your goals are and make sure that you’re getting the right treatment for your needs.


Bronze & Beauty Bliss has a wide range of additional med spa services that could be just what you need to look and feel your best. During the initial consultation, we can go over additional options like a refreshing and rejuvenating facial in Portland, Oregon.


You should avoid other hair removal treatments for at least six weeks before you try laser hair removal, especially Accutane, but also including waxing, electrolysis, or plucking.


Treatment time will depend on the size of the area being treated, ranging from 15 minutes to an hour in most cases. We’ll carefully adjust the equipment to meet your individual hair thickness and color.


After the treatment, you might notice your skin looking and feeling a bit dry, but not any significant discomfort. You can deal with dry skin with any regular moisturizer.

Look and Feel Your Best

With Laser Hair Removal


We Keep You


Bronze & Beauty Bliss always ensures that our clients understand our treatments and are fully comfortable with them. That goes for everything from our laser hair procedure to our radiofrequency treatment. We’re more than happy to fully discuss what your options are and answer any questions you might have.


Laser hair removal is a very popular procedure for our clients and we are asked a lot of questions about it. These are some of the answers to the most common questions we get at Bronze & Beauty Bliss.

  • How long does it take for laser hair removal to work?

    Of course, this kind of treatment is going to vary based on the density, coarseness, and color of the hair being treated. In most cases, our clients are fully satisfied with their results after six to ten treatments. You’ll be able to see the results taking effect from the first treatment and adding up over time.

    We’re always sure to carefully adjust the procedure for each individual client based on their unique needs. This means we’ll do everything we can to ensure that you get the best possible hair removal in as few treatments as possible.

  • How long does laser hair removal last?

    Laser hair removal is often referred to as a semi-permanent hair removal treatment, delivering much better results than something like waxing. You should see a permanent reduction in growth at the treated area, but not always a permanently complete removal. You might see hair start to grow again, just finer and lighter.

    Touch-up treatments are sometimes needed for the best results, but even when needed, this is generally after two years or so. Compared to how often you’d have to go in for waxing, you’ll be doing much better with effective laser hair removal treatment.

  • Does laser hair removal have side effects?

    Laser hair removal is an incredibly safe treatment that delivers fantastic results without significant side effects. You might have some slight redness on the treated skin for several days following the treatment. If you have a history of sensitive skin, you might even experience swelling and mild discomfort, although this is uncommon and typically not a major concern.

    Our team is fully trained and experienced to ensure that you get the safest and most effective laser hair removal treatment available. We are always careful and precise, ensuring your comfort throughout and after the procedure.

  • Do I need to take special care of the treated area?

    For the most part, laser hair removal doesn’t have any strict aftercare requirements. Your skin can be sensitive for several days following treatment, so it’s best to use sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight when possible. This also means you shouldn’t be visiting any kind of tanning salon either.

    Your regular skincare routine and makeup will be perfectly safe to use after your treatment, so sunlight is really the only concern. If your skin does feel uncomfortable, you can try applying gentle cooling to relieve any discomfort or swelling.


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